Exterior painting>
House painting
Exterior painting>
House painting
Contact us today for a price estimate for exterior painting work in Oslo and the surrounding area, including Bærum, Lillestrøm, Sandvika, Kolbotn, Oppegård and Asker.
Dirt and pollution mean that external facades in urban areas need regular renovation. Regular external painting and staining is therefore necessary to prevent damage, and to increase the value of your home in the long term.
With a high degree of expertise, good equipment, good protection and quality paint adapted to local weather conditions, you can be sure that MalerOslo gets the job done efficiently with an optimal result.
MalerOslo is a safe and secure choice when it comes to painting the exterior of a house, whether it concerns a detached house, terraced house, commercial building or garage.
Our skilled team of painters are 100% dedicated and will do everything to ensure that the result exceeds your expectations. After more than 12 years of experience in the industry, we have become known for delivering great results with high levels of customer satisfaction.
We do more than just paint your house; we handle every aspect of the project from start to finish. Our dedicated team takes care of everything, including inspections and cost estimates , rental of the necessary equipment, preparation of surfaces, application of paint and clean-up of the site after the work has been carried out.
All you have to do is sit back and wait for an amazingly great result.
The price of painting the outside of a house can vary from NOK 80,000 to NOK 250,000 based on factors such as the condition of the cladding, the size of the building, the number of floors and accessibility. Bor e.g. in a detached house, there are usually four wall surfaces that need to be painted, as well as any railings and window moldings. If you are going to paint a terraced house, you may only have two or three walls to paint - depending on whether you live in an end terraced house or not.
When you use MalerOslo you can be sure that you will always get a competitive price. The process for pricing a painting job is as follows:
Assembly of scaffolding
Washing and application of fungicide
Powerful hand brushing
Flushing with high pressure washer
Masking window surfaces
Plastering with sandpaper
Priming where necessary
2 coat paint (top quality paint only!)
Removal of scaffolding, clean-up and disposal of waste
When it comes to painting the outside of a house, the price includes washing, sanding, waterproofing and two coats of paint on the facade. In addition to this comes the purchase of paint and materials, the hire of a lift or scaffolding, and other necessary equipment.
When it comes to painting the outside of a house, the price includes washing, sanding, waterproofing and two coats of paint on the facade. In addition to this comes the purchase of paint and materials, the hire of a lift or scaffolding, and other necessary equipment.
80,000 - 250,000 NOK
80,000 - 250,000 NOK
80,000 - 250,000 NOK
The exterior of the home is more than just walls – it is a collection of elements that contribute to a great overall impression. Check out all the different painting services we offer to renew and maintain the home outdoors:
When you start the painting project, you may need additional services to ensure a comprehensive and great result. We also offer:
We have extensive experience with external machine washing of all types of facades, roofs and windows.
Get professional help to clean away and kill the mold.
We provide repair and washing, as well as surface treatment of masonry.
Do you have a project you want to start? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation so you can quickly get started on your dream project.
Talk to us
You are mostly welcome with any questions, doubts and information. Please do not hesitate and feel free to reach out for us. Choose the best way to contact us wether it is phone call, text message, email or online form.