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Terrace painting
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Terrace painting
Time to paint the terrace? After long winter months, there are few things more tempting than holidays with barbecues and sun on the terrace. The terrace must withstand harsh weather, harsh winter nights and continuous use in the summer half-year. Therefore, it is crucial to give it the necessary treatment and maintenance to keep it in good condition and ensure a long life.
Even the most worn-out terrace can be made beautiful again with professional help. Freshen up the wood paneling with new coats of paint or stain. With the help of thorough preparation and two fresh coats of quality paint ( or stain) MalerOslo makes sure to give new life to old and worn wood.
Before starting the treatment, you need to decide whether you want to oil, stain or paint the terrace. What are the differences here? What protects the terrace best? And how do you achieve the prettiest and most lasting result? Contact MalerOslo today so that we can help you with good advice and a non-binding offer to have the job professionally carried out by painters with extensive experience.
Painting is a covering treatment that settles on the surface of the wood, so that much of the visible wood structure is lost. Many people want a more transparent solution that gives a more natural look, which oil and stain are much better at than paint.In addition, a patio floor is more subject to wear and tear than a house wall, so it is wise to choose a treatment that penetrates well into the wood, just as oil and stain do .
The biggest difference between oil and stain is related to how often you need to do maintenance and the appearance of the wood, in other words how often you need to apply oil or stain the terrace.
Oil has a shorter shelf life than stain. With oil treatment, you have to apply new layers every season to protect the wood optimally. In return, oil penetrates the wood better and gives a completely different natural glow compared to stains that use color pigments.
If maintenance of the terrace is something you would rather avoid, you should not choose oil. Then staining the terrace is a better choice. The most common types of staining last between 2 -4 years and penetrates well into the wood. With stain you also have many more color options than there are for oil, and color selection is often important when treating the terrace.
Working with stain requires focus to achieve an even result. Stain contains color pigments that are important to get evenly distributed. The color in the stain provides protection to the wood, on in the same way that a high sun factor protects our skin. This ensures a nice and lasting result that prevents future decay.
If you want a guaranteed professional result, we recommend you contact MalerOslo for a non-binding offer. We have extensive experience with a number of types of terraces, both when it comes to oil, stain and paint.
Don't look at the outdoor area with only practical eyes; you should also create a pleasant atmosphere. In the same way that you combine colors and materials indoors, you should same outdoors. Choose terrace stain in a color that matches the surroundings and the house.
Maybe you want to experiment with more colors on the terrace? Planters, garden furniture or other details in matching colors can give a nice and exciting look.
MalerOslo has extensive experience in painting terraces around Oslo, and always provides a professional solution that lasts for many years. We are also happy to contribute good tips and input to give the customer a comprehensive and great outdoor area overall.
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